First, say to yourself what you would be…

Welcome to our first new open daily practice at There will be more, but they will come one at a time.

I have been following for a while a few personal daily practices. And this merely the socialization of this practice. Every morning, I follow a “ritual” that includes reading of, and reflection on, an inspiring thought, poem or story. It is calming and centring, in that, no matter what the day is supposed to bring, it starts with discipline. It puts back everything in its place. Enjoyable also is the fact that at times, the text will totally connect with my day, serving its purpose immediately as a guideline for the day, while other times, it will not, and simply serve its purpose only much later, slowly and invisibly maturing in the ground of my unconscious before breaking through consciousness, and releasing its fruits for all to see (well, me, and my clients when relevant 🙂 but now you, also).

I like how today’s quote relate to a post that is coming later this week, sharing a technique that helps clarify your vision (for yourself, a team or organization). On a side note, we will read a lot more from Epictetus in the weeks and months to come. I also connect with the order of things in Epictetus mind: first we are, then we do. It is a call to a deliberate life, a life so few of us have in today’s hustle and bustle. It also creates an interesting diaphony with Aristotle’s “we are what we do repeatedly”, not necessarily in a conflicting way. Enough, without further ado:

First, say to yourself what you would be, then do what you have to do.
— Epictetus

First, say to yourself what you would be, then do what you have to do. -- Epictetus

First, say to yourself what you would be, then do what you have to do. — Epictetus

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